Issues Facing Philadelphia—and Visions for the Future

‘State of the City’ 2023 webcast recording


Issues Facing Philadelphia—and Visions for the Future

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With important elections on the horizon, the shape of a post-pandemic Philadelphia continues to emerge. While there are promising signs, new approaches are needed to solve persistent challenges, including public safety, housing affordability, and the need for quality jobs for all.

On Wednesday, April 12, The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Lenfest Institute for Journalism’s Every Voice, Every Vote initiative hosted a live webcast featuring expert insights on the current state of Philadelphia and what residents think about their city. A panel discussion explored potential solutions to some of the city’s biggest problems—as well as what approaches a new crop of local leaders may need to take. Pew’s president and chief executive officer, Susan K. Urahn, provided opening remarks.

The event marked the release of Pew’s 2023 “State of the City” report, which includes comprehensive data on public safety, jobs, the economy, housing, public health, and more—often benchmarking Philadelphia with other major cities. In addition, it marked the recent release of The Lenfest Institute’s Every Voice, Every Vote citywide poll results, which shed light on residents’ views of the city.


Welcome and opening remarks

‘State of the City’ 2023 key findings

  • Katie Martin, project director, Pew’s Philadelphia research and policy initiative

Lenfest Institute’s Every Voice, Every Vote poll findings

  • Julia Terruso and Aseem Shukla, Philadelphia Inquirer journalists, on behalf of The Lenfest Institute’s Every Voice, Every Vote initiative

Panel discussion


  • Michael O’Bryan, founder/principal, Humanature, and distinguished resident fellow, Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation, Drexel University


Audience Q&A

Closing remarks

Continue the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #PhillyStateoftheCity

For more information about The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, including its Every Voice, Every Vote initiative.

The views expressed by The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, its Every Voice, Every Vote initiative and its partners, and the event moderator and panelists are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM EDT
Location: Webcast
A food hall with dark steel beams, a variety of food stalls, and a large casual dining area in the center is crowded with people ordering and eating meals.

Philadelphia 2023: State of the City

Quick View

In 2022, increasing numbers of Philadelphians re-engaged in the more public aspects of urban life, commuting to their workplaces again, resuming indoor dining at area restaurants, and attending concerts and other events around town.