Man standing on the Arctic ice looking out over ocean

Marine Fellows


Marine Fellows

Pew Announces 2024 Marine Fellows

Program adds 6 leading researchers to its global community

The Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation supports midcareer scientists and other experts from around the world to advance knowledge and innovation in ocean protection.

This year’s fellows are:

Rene Abesamis, Ph.D.
University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines

Rene Abesamis will work with local scientists and members of coastal communities to identify climate-resilient coral reefs in the Philippines and lay the groundwork for their protection. He will also streamline processes for sharing collected data with environmental managers and the national government.

Dyhia Belhabib, Ph.D.
Ecotrust Canada, Canada

Dyhia Belhabib will trace the seafood supply chain in Senegal to understand how illegally caught fish enter the market, who is involved in the trade, how seafood is laundered through activities such as transshipment, and where the fish end up. Using a combination of approaches, she will identify areas where illegal commercial fishing is most prevalent and will work with enforcement agencies to prioritize sites for additional monitoring and intervention.

Marine Cusa, Ph.D.
Oceana, Denmark

Marine Cusa will use genetic tools to improve transparency and sustainability in the European aquaculture sector. Working with a network of scientists, journalists, and representatives from conservation organizations, she will identify the major European aquaculture companies’ main fish-meal suppliers and will use genetic techniques to examine their fish feeds’ composition, sourcing, and sustainability.

James Kar-Hei Fang, Ph.D.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

James Kar-Hei Fang will rebuild pearl oyster reefs at select sites in Hong Kong’s Tolo Channel using oysters cultured in captivity and will use advanced 3D technologies to monitor changes in local biodiversity created by the reefs. He will also use the restored oysters as a biomonitoring tool to assess marine pollution in the city.

Christina Hicks, Ph.D.
Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Christina Hicks will investigate links between international finance and overfishing in four countries in East and West Africa. She will also evaluate barriers and opportunities to develop multilateral policies that could help increase transparency in finance and reduce inequities in decision-making.

Emi Uchida, Ph.D.
University of Rhode Island, United States

Emi Uchida will combine remote sensing data and machine learning tools to identify key drivers of mangrove and seagrass ecosystem loss in the Coral Triangle, a biodiversity-rich region of the western Pacific Ocean, and predict areas that are most at risk of future degradation. Working with stakeholders in Indonesia, she will test the effectiveness of various conservation interventions, including community-led monitoring of coastal habitats.

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Pew Unveils 2024 Marine Fellows

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