Trust Magazine

The Big Picture: A Window on America's Parks

En este número:

  • Summer 2019
  • Three Perspectives, One America
  • Out of Reach
  • America’s Digital Divide
  • Different, but the Same
  • The Big Picture: A Window on America's Parks
  • Noteworthy
  • Most Americans Take Supplements; FDA Should Know Something About Them
  • How People View Religion's Role
  • New Naloxone Laws Seek to Prevent Opioid Overdoses
  • How Ken Lum Became an Artist and What Motivates Him Most
  • In Antarctic Scientists Capture a Penguins-Eye View to Study Eating Habits
  • Lessons for Governments From Amazons Headquarters Search
  • How Bloomberg Philanthropies Is Transforming Public Health
  • Benchmarking Questions Keep Surveys Accurate
  • Return on Investment
  • Improving Public Policy
  • Informing the Public
  • Invigorating Civic Life
  • Federal Defense Spending Across the States
  • View All Other Issues
The Big Picture: A Window on America's Parks
Victor Ellison Getty Images

A meteor shoots through the night sky above Price Lake in North Carolina, just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Although the 469-mile road—through America’s longest linear park, bisecting Virginia and North Carolina—offers abundant scenic vistas, it is marred by serious rough patches. It’s not alone: Aging infrastructure and inadequate annual maintenance funding have left over half of the National Park Service’s 75,000-plus assets in need of repairs totaling nearly $12 billion. Pew is working with partners to seek increased, dedicated funding to relieve the maintenance backlog.

Noteworthy Different, but the Same