scientist pulling liquid from a test tube with a syringe

Pew Latin American Fellows


Pew Latin American Fellows

Meet the 2024 Class

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America.

Learn more about the application process for the 2026 class of awards from our FAQ. If you’d like additional information on the most recent class of awardees,  please visit the fellows directory.


What Is the Pew Latin American Fellows Program?

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The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding for scientists to receive postdoctoral training at leading research institutions in the United States and to return to Latin America if they choose to start labs in their home countries. Through the program, The Pew Charitable Trusts has supported more than 300 outstanding young researchers, strengthening scientific communities across borders.

Our Work

Fact Sheet

Perguntas frequentes sobre o Programa de Bolsas Pew para a América Latina

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Fact Sheet

O Programa de Bolsas de Ciências Biomédicas Pew para a América Latina financia o pós-doutorado de cientistas em instituições de ponta nos Estados Unidos. Através do programa, a Pew Charitable Trusts já ajudou mais de 200 jovens pesquisadores de destaque, fortalecendo a comunidade científica global. Bolsistas que concluírem os dois anos do programa e voltarem à América Latina recebem uma doação para abrir seu próprio laboratório. De cada 10 participantes, 7 aproveitam esse incentivo e estão trabalhando com desafios regionais e globais em todo o continente.


Scientists at Work: Craig Mello on the Mysteries of Genetic Code

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How does genetic information transmit across generations? While trying to find out, scientists Craig Mello and Andrew Fire quite by accident made a discovery in 1998 that would earn them a Nobel Prize—and pave the way for the first drug to take on harmful genes. Pew’s Dan LeDuc talks with Mello about science’s surprises.