test tubes in a pink tray

Biomedical Research


Biomedical Research
The goal of biomedical research is to harness scientific discovery to improve human health.

These explorations have provided a springboard for medical advances including vaccines for measles and polio, insulin for diabetes, antibiotics for infections, medications for high blood pressure, and new strategies to treat and prevent cancer.

Pew has a decades-long commitment to support groundbreaking research by promising early-career biomedical scientists in the United States and Latin America. Our multiyear grants encourage informed risk-taking and collaboration among researchers.


What Is the Pew Latin American Fellows Program?

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The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding for scientists to receive postdoctoral training at leading research institutions in the United States and to return to Latin America if they choose to start labs in their home countries. Through the program, The Pew Charitable Trusts has supported more than 300 outstanding young researchers, strengthening scientific communities across borders.

Trend Magazine

Craig Mello Reflects on the Unifying Force of Science

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Trend Magazine

Craig Mello Reflects on the Unifying Force of Science

We all have questions. Where did we come from? Why are we here? Although the “whys” are generally left to philosophers, the “wheres” and “hows” are fodder for scientific exploration.

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Grant Programs and Criteria


From Lab to Life: How Science Improves the World

How science improves the world

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Scientific discovery is essential to advancing society and improving people’s lives. While 73% of Americans have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest, many scientists recognize the need to better communicate about their work and how it serves humanity.