Overfishing is a serious concern in the waters of northwestern Europe. Although this issue is not unique to the region—experts estimate that $83 billion is lost worldwide annually to overfishing and could be recovered through stock restoration—it persisted for years in large part because of the European Union’s reluctance to set fishing limits in line with scientific advice.

In recent years, European ministers have brought fishing limits closer to the scientific advice on average, but they must still do more: Under the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), Member States were legally bound to end overfishing by 2020 to maintain sustainable fisheries.

Progress toward that goal has varied but generally proved too slow to meet the 2020 deadline. Pew’s work focused on bringing EU fisheries management in line with scientific advice to end overfishing and allow stocks to recover. By doing so, the EU can set a positive example for other governments and help ensure the future sustainability of fisheries in northwestern Europe and beyond.

Project Goals

To support effective implementation of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy, we worked with decision-makers in the EU and the United Kingdom to advocate for:

  • Fishing limits to be set at sustainable levels that allow stocks to recover.
  • Long-term legislation that would achieve the objectives of the CFP in each region.
  • Implementation of the CFP’s bycatch reforms, including the EU’s Landing Obligation.
  • Clear and public reporting on progress toward these aims.
  • A post-Brexit joint EU-UK management framework to allow the recovery of fish populations to sustainable levels.
Birds above fishing catch
Birds above fishing catch

Lições da implementação da Política Comum das Pescas da UE

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No âmbito da atual Política Comum das Pescas (PCP) da União Europeia, 2020 tinha sido estabelecido como o ano para alcançar uma grande mudança na gestão de pescas: taxas de exploração sustentáveis para todas as unidades populacionais. Apesar de alguns progressos, a UE não atingiu este objetivo.


Gestão de pescas da UE ainda não alinhada com os pareceres científicos apesar do prazo de 2020

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A avaliação mostra que os ministros devem empenhar-se mais para acabar com a sobrepesca


10 razões pelas quais os governos europeus devem agir rapidamente para pôr fim à sobrepesca

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Os Ministros europeus das pescas e representantes de outros estados circundantes do Oceano Atlântico irão reunir este outono para acordar as quotas de pesca de stocks no Atlântico e no Mar do Norte para o próximo ano.


Teste os seus conhecimentos sobre as pescas europeias

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Desde os Mares do Norte, Celta e da Irlanda até ao Oceano Atlântico, as águas do noroeste da Europa albergam uma rica variedade de vida. Sabe distinguir uma pescada de um arenque, uma sardinha de um linguado ou um bacalhau da Política Comum das Pescas? Teste os seus conhecimentos sobre peixes com o nosso quiz.

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