How Much Do You Know About Illegal Fishing?

Take the quiz to test your knowledge about one of the top threats to the world’s ocean

How Much Do You Know About Illegal Fishing?
An officer in an orange vest and military hat climbs down from a fishing vessel onto a dinghy. Two other officers are on the smaller boat. One reaches to help the first officer get onto the boat, and the other sits at the wheel.
U.S. Coast Guard and Sierra Leone Police officers coordinate on a law enforcement boarding of a fishing vessel in the Atlantic Ocean as part of the African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership.
U.S. Coast Guard

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing significantly harms not only fish populations and ocean health but also the people who rely on healthy fisheries for food and livelihoods. To draw attention to these threats, the United Nations in 2017 declared June 5 International Day for the Fight Against IUU Fishing.

To mark the occasion this year, The Pew Charitable Trusts is testing your knowledge of IUU fishing and its effect on the global seafood supply chain and the well-being of millions of people around the world.

  1. How many tons of wild fish are stolen from the global ocean each year?
    1. 1 million to 10 million
    2. 11 million to 26 million
    3. 31 million to 42 million
    4. More than 45 million
  2. What other crimes are associated with illegal fishing?
    1. Drug smuggling
    2. Exploitation and human trafficking
    3. Forced labor
    4. All of the above
  3. Which treaty was designed to stop illegally caught fish from entering the market?
    1. The International Labour Organization’s Work in Fishing Convention
    2. The Cape Town Agreement
    3. The Sustainable Seafood Treaty
    4. The Port State Measures Agreement
  4. What are the chances that you’re buying illegally caught fish when you go to market?
    1. 7%
    2. 12%
    3. 56%
    4. 20%
  5. Fisheries crimes cover a range of illegal activities in the fisheries sector, including:
    1. Documentation fraud
    2. Bribery and money laundering
    3. Forced labor
    4. All of the above
  6. What is the most recent estimated number of fishing-related deaths each year?
    1. 24,000
    2. 32,000
    3. 65,000
    4. 100,000
  7. Who or what profits the most from a fishing vessel?
    1. Captain
    2. Ultimate beneficial owner
    3. Flag State
    4. Seafood buyer
Please answer all questions to get your score.

{passfail} You scored {score} out of {total_questions}.


If you answered 0-3 questions correct, you still need to get your sea legs.

Learn more about IUU fishing and how it impacts fisher safety and the sustainability of valuable fish stocks.


If you answered 4-6 questions correctly, you may have a future in maritime enforcement!

Learn more about IUU fishing and how it impacts fisher safety and the sustainability of valuable fish stocks.


Impressive knowledge of illegal fishing, skipper! You’ve answered all questions correctly.

Learn more about IUU fishing and how it impacts fisher safety and the sustainability of valuable fish stocks.

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A fish stall offers 9 pink plates filled with a colorful variety of whole, uncooked fish for sale, with workers in jackets, one in pink and one in orange, sitting behind the counter.

6 Facts You May Not Know About Illegal Fishing

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Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing significantly harms not only fish populations and ocean health but also people—so much so that in 2017, the United Nations declared June 5 the International Day for the Fight Against IUU Fishing.

Renate Wefers/EyeEm
Renate Wefers/EyeEm
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Over 100,000 Fishing-Related Deaths Occur Each Year

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