Foodborne Pathogens Remain a Serious Threat to Public Health
The big picture

The world is currently focused on the coronavirus, which is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets. But foodborne pathogens such as some types of E. coli (pictured) remain a serious threat to public health. In 2019, lethal strains of E. coli transmitted through cattle grazing near fields of leafy greens and lettuce in California’s Salinas Valley caused three outbreaks of foodborne illnesses that sickened people in dozens of states, according to a report by the Food and Drug Administration. Pew’s food safety project works to reduce the risks posed by contaminated produce by advocating for better laws and regulations. Sometimes, however, the best way to solve a thorny problem is to convene a multistakeholder meeting in which all of the interested parties—in this case, farmers, cattle ranchers, and officials from federal, state, and local government agencies—can share concerns and shape solutions. Pew is working to foster such conversations as part of its efforts to help reduce these preventable diseases.