State Health Care Spending on Medicaid

State fact sheets

Medicaid is the largest health insurance program in the United States, covering both acute and long-term care services for more than 66 million low-income Americans—children and their parents, as well as elderly and disabled individuals.

The data presented here are from the State Health Care Spending Project’s analysis of the impact of Medicaid on the states, including trends in spending and enrollment and the anticipated effects of the Affordable Care Act.

Read State Health Care Spending on Medicaid: A 50-state Study of Trends and Drivers of Cost for the full analysis.

Alabama Kentucky North Dakota
Alaska Louisiana Ohio
Arizona Maine Oklahoma
Arkansas Maryland Oregon
California Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Colorado Michigan Rhode Island
Connecticut Minnesota South Carolina
Delaware Mississippi  South Dakota
District of Columbia Missouri Tennessee
Florida Montana Texas 
Georgia Nebraska Utah
Hawaii Nevada Vermont
Idaho New Hampshire Virginia
Illinois  New Jersey Washington
Indiana New Mexico West Virginia
Iowa New York Wisconsin
Kansas North Carolina Wyoming