
Advancing Coastal Wetlands Conservation

Protecting people, nature, and climate

Stacy Baez, Ph.D. Senior Officer

Stacy Baez is a senior officer with the protecting coastal wetlands and coral reefs project. She develops and manages the project’s scientific research portfolio to advance the protection and restoration of coastal wetlands and coral reefs.

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Thomas Hickey Project Director

Thomas Hickey supports Pew’s protecting coastal wetlands and coral reefs project and is responsible for leading engagement with a range of stakeholders, including nongovernmental organizations, scientific partners, government representatives and delegates within international institutions such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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Kim Jensen Manager

Kim Jensen helps lead Pew's international coastal wetlands project, working on policy support and engagement with partner countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, and East Africa. She also assists with the project’s management and leads its peatlands conservation work.

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Michael Latimer Senior Associate

Michael Latimer is a senior associate with Pew’s protecting coastal wetlands and coral reefs project. Previously, Latimer supported Pew’s crosscutting environmental policy team, providing expertise and leading coordination efforts to advance Pew’s engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as in multilateral forums, such as the Our Ocean Conference, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the U.N. General Assembly. Latimer holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental science, with a concentration in conservation, and a master’s in environmental management from George Mason University.

Kate Meyer Principal Associate

Kate Meyer is a principal associate with Pew’s advancing coastal wetlands conservation project. She helps to support countries in developing the scientific framework needed to ensure strong protections for coastal wetlands.

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Layla Razek Program Assistant

Layla Razek is a program assistant with the protecting coastal wetlands and coral reefs project. She supports countries in developing the scientific framework needed to ensure strong protections for seagrass beds, salt marshes, and mangroves. Before joining Pew, Razek was a Schull Yang International Experience Scholar, investigating discrimination among transgender women in Brazil with the Thombs Research Team. She was also a McGill Global Health Scholar with research experience in freshwater invasive species and equitable admissions processes in health care. Razek holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and political science from McGill University and is currently a RAY Conservation Fellow.

Simon Reddy Director

Simon Reddy directs two Pew initiatives: the preventing ocean plastics project, which aims to propose strategies to reduce the global ocean plastic pollution problem, and the protecting coastal wetlands and coral reefs project.

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Anelise Zimmer Principal Associate

Anelise Zimmer supports Pew’s advancing coastal wetlands conservation, working on policy engagement with governments, scientific partners, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and other stakeholders. Additionally, Zimmer leads the Mangrove Breakthrough NDC Task Force, a Pew-led initiative in partnership with the UNFCCC High-Level Champions and member organizations of the Global Mangrove Alliance.

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