Rachel Hopkins


Rachel Hopkins
Rachel Hopkins
International Fisheries and Aquaculture
The Pew Charitable Trusts


Rachel Hopkins directs Pew’s international fisheries and seaweed farming projects. These efforts work to protect global marine biodiversity by securing improved management and control of large-scale fishing activities and ensuring that the growth of seaweed farming, including in Alaska and British Columbia, is sustainable and inclusive. Hopkins previously led Pew’s advocacy within regional fisheries management organizations to foster the long-term health of targeted fish stocks and the resilience of marine ecosystems impacted by these fisheries. Prior to this work, she worked on Pew campaigns to advance rigorous ecological standards for marine fish farming across the globe.

Before joining Pew, Hopkins worked for the Seafood Choices Alliance, a project of Seaweb, to build a network of fishers, fish farmers, chefs, and nonprofit organizations in support of more sustainable fishing and aquaculture practices.

Hopkins holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Mary Washington and a master’s in environmental and natural resource economics from the University of Rhode Island.

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