What Are the High Seas? Why Do They Need Help?

A whiteboard explainer

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What Are the High Seas? Why Do They Need Help?

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Get the facts about the high seas—the two-thirds of our world’s oceans that are not under any country's jurisdiction. This quick whiteboard tutorial explains why these international waters are so important and how the United Nations can help protect high seas marine life and ocean resources.

High Seas Shipping
High Seas Shipping
Issue Brief

High Seas Environmental Impact Assessments

The importance of evaluation in areas beyond national jurisdiction

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Issue Brief

Worldwide, scientists continue to make important discoveries about the high seas and marine depths in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), distant places that support life throughout the global ocean and are home to some of its most fascinating and valuable species. But with new and emerging activities threatening the health of these ecosystems, safeguarding their biodiversity is increasingly important.