Beyond Polarization: Where Americans Agree

Episode 134

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Beyond Polarization: Where Americans Agree

Stat: 65%: The share of Americans who say they always or often feel exhausted when thinking about politics.

Story: Political polarization has become overwhelming for the majority of Americans, with most agreeing that more attention is being paid to partisan fighting than solving the nation’s problems. But there is hope. In this episode of “Beyond Polarization,” we speak with experts from Pew Research Center about how Americans view politics and opportunities to find common ground. We also talk to Mónica Guzmán about how her organization, Braver Angels, is teaching people how to dismantle divisions and disagree better.

Related Resources:

After the Fact

Beyond Polarization in American Politics

Quick View

In this season of “After the Fact,” we speak with researchers and bridge builders from across the political spectrum to learn how they’re facilitating civil dialogue and bridging divides. Pew Research Center reports that 65% of Americans say they always or often feel exhausted when thinking about politics because of the country’s deep partisan divisions. As polarization increases and trust in democratic institutions declines, how can we move forward and maintain a functioning democracy?