


Planning for retirement is important for employees and their employers. In the public sector, pension reform is arguably one of the most significant fiscal challenges facing many states and municipalities today.

Although some plans are well-funded, in other places, if changes are not made, retirees, workers, and taxpayers will be left with rising costs and unpaid promises for years to come. Pew works to help states and cities design and adopt retirement systems that are equitable, affordable, and fiscally sustainable—while at the same time preserving governments’ ability to recruit and retain a talented workforce.

Issue Brief

Do States Have Enough Saved for Retiree Health Care Benefits

Data from 2018 and 2019, released under new government accounting rules, shows both chronic underfunding and modest progress

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Issue Brief

Historically, health care and other nonpension retirement benefits have been more poorly funded than pensions for retired public workers. Now new data resulting from updated government accounting requirements offers a more complete picture of the long-term price tag of these benefits, known as other post-employment benefits (OPEBs). This data allows users to see for the first time how each state’s liabilities for OPEBs change annually and what would be required to keep them from growing.