Restoring Hope in Baltimore

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Across America, local organizations are bringing people together across divides to solve complex problems and renew the fabric of democracy. In Baltimore's Cherry Hill neighborhood, Michael and Danielle Battle share their journey to build community through their nonprofit Restoring Inner City Hope (RICH)—an organization which provides resources and opportunities for youth and young adults from across the city. Danielle and Michael Battle received the Aspen Institute’s 2022 Weaver award for their work to create connection, foster belonging and instill hope and dignity among Cherry Hill's residents.

Listen to the first episode of Pew's "Restoring Community" season on the "After the Fact" podcast for more on Michael, Danielle, and the RICH program:

Restoring Community

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The effects of the pandemic, including increased levels of distrust in each other and in the government, continue to reverberate for Americans. But amid the challenges, there’s also a growing sense of civic renewal. According to data from the Pew Research Center, 86% of U.S. adults believe that it is possible to improve people’s confidence in one another.