Evidence-Based Policymaking: Findings From States

Evidence-Based Policymaking: Findings From States

In a new report, the Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative assesses the prevalence and sophistication of six key evidence-based policymaking actions—in each state and the District of Columbia—across four policy areas: behavioral health, child welfare, criminal justice, and juvenile justice. States are categorized as Leading, Established, Modest, or Trailing in their levels of evidence-based policymaking.

These interactive maps provide a range of information regarding states’ engagement in evidence-based policymaking. The first map shows how each state scored overall, while the other two maps detail implementation of particular actions across the policy areas studied. In the full report, Pew researchers explain methods and findings in depth, exploring how states have created different tools and processes to incorporate evidence into decision-making. 

For more information, please visit the report.