view looking up to rotunda of California capital building in Sacramento

State Fiscal Health

When states manage their finances effectively, they are more likely to have money to invest in priorities such as schools, health care, and infrastructure. When they don’t, they may be forced to cut spending and raise taxes to pay off long-standing expenses and provide basic services to citizens.

To help states manage uncertainty, adapt quickly when crises arise, and ensure that their budgets are balanced over the long term, The Pew Charitable Trusts provides data, analysis, and guidance to policymakers on a range of fiscal and economic issues. We also aid states as they design, evaluate, and improve business tax incentives and other economic development programs to ensure that these programs are cost-effective, helping businesses grow and workers thrive. Through research and advocacy, we help states identify potential policy approaches and make informed choices about what works best for their communities.

Our research—including 50-state assessments—examines key trends in state finances and evaluates states on their performance, underscoring effective approaches and creating an environment for potential reform. 

We collaborate with policy leaders in states in a variety of ways:

  • Research: We conduct comprehensive and policy-relevant research. Our findings give states evidence-based options to address their unique fiscal challenges.

  • Information sharing: We serve as a resource to policymakers making research-driven decisions to improve fiscal outcomes in their states. We lead webinars, events, and meetings, and provide communications assistance to encourage state, regional, and national conversations on budget policies and practices.

  • Technical assistance and policy advocacy: We provide strategic technical assistance to states seeking to improve their budget practices. Our capabilities encompass policy design, including state comparative analysis; drafting or advising on legislation; offering testimony; and supplying other assistance, as requested.

Through these strategies, our goal is to help policymakers manage economic and revenue volatility, enhance transparency, and improve their states’ fiscal health over the long term.

5 State Fiscal Debates to Watch

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As legislative sessions begin in statehouses throughout the country, lawmakers face a host of policy questions that will affect state budgets. The Pew Charitable Trusts’ annual Debates to Watch series previews five of the most pressing fiscal issues each year. Here’s what state leaders are likely to take on in 2025.

Issue Brief

Long-Term Assessments Highlight State Budget Worries

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Issue Brief

A December 2023 report from California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office found that the state’s projected deficits had increased to $155 billion through fiscal year 2028, exponentially more than officials had forecasted just months earlier.


Several States Adopted Pension Funding Improvements in 2024

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Several state legislatures took steps in 2024 to enhance funding for public pension systems by adopting strategies to increase annual employer contributions to their retirement systems, manage how unfunded liabilities are paid down, and take advantage of surplus revenues to make supplemental payments to improve system funding and further pay down debt.


States to Use Federal Pandemic Dollars Ahead of Deadline

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State policymakers are developing and employing a range of strategies to take full advantage of flexible federal pandemic funding ahead of upcoming deadlines. Lawmakers in Vermont and Mississippi, for example, have identified key policy priorities for their remaining allocations. Counterparts in Massachusetts, meanwhile, want to use their funds to replace revenues lost because of the COVID-19 pandemic—one of the allowable uses of this funding stream.

Our Work

How states raise their tax dollars
How states raise their tax dollars
Data Visualization

How States Raise Their Tax Dollars, FY 2022

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Taxes made up almost half of state government revenue in fiscal year 2022, with two-thirds of states’ total tax dollars coming from levies on personal income (38.2%) and general sales of goods and services (29.5%). Broad-based personal income taxes were the greatest source of tax dollars in 31 of the 41 states that impose them, with the highest share (62.3%) in Oregon and the lowest share (8.8%) in North Dakota.

Data Visualization

Where States Get Their Money, FY 2021

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The portion of state government revenue coming from federal dollars remained inflated by billions in COVID-19 pandemic relief aid in fiscal year 2021. The share increased by less than a percentage point from fiscal year 2020 levels but still set a record at 36.7%.

Data Visualization

Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis

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Fiscal 50 is an interactive platform that provides clear, data-driven portraits of state fiscal conditions. Users can view, sort, and analyze data on key trends that shape states’ fiscal health now and over the long term. Fiscal 50 also features research and analysis to help users understand how these trends interact and fit together—and how they relate to real-time developments playing out in state capitols across the country.