vegetation on the seabed floor

Seabed Mining


Seabed Mining
The cold, dark waters of the deep sea once were thought to be largely void of life, but scientists now know that the opposite is true.

Underwater mountain chains teem with fish, corals, and other fauna. Hydrothermal vents gush mineral-rich waters that support communities of deep-sea organisms. Vast plains, once thought to be ecological deserts, boast significant biodiversity and remain one of the last intact wildernesses on our planet. Unusual animals, the majority of which have yet to be identified, roam these surreal landscapes.

However, the deep ocean faces threats as governments and companies position themselves to mine mineral deposits on (or beneath) the deep seabed, more than half of which lies beyond national jurisdiction. History suggests that unregulated exploitation of this environment could have disastrous effects. Many deep-sea organisms are extremely slow growing and may take centuries to recover from damage, if they come back at all.

The International Seabed Authority, established in 1994 under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is developing rules to regulate seabed mining activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction.

Deep seabed mining should not take place unless we have the scientific knowledge in place to ensure robust protection of the deep ocean’s sensitive ecosystems and the resources they provide. Pew is advocating for strong and enforceable environmental safeguards to ensure the effective protection of this marine environment.

Data Visualization

Research Needed to Discover, Describe Deep-Sea Species

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Data Visualization

New research by the U.K.’s Natural History Museum, funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts has estimated the number of known and unknown benthic animal species—those that live on or near the seafloor—in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), the world’s largest deep-sea mineral exploration frontier. The study provides the first comprehensive list of known benthic species in the CCZ. It further shows that thousands more species remain either undescribed—that is, they have been observed, but scientists have not determined their names or whether they have been found before in the CCZ or elsewhere—or undiscovered.

Fact Sheet

Seabed Mining Moratorium Is Legally Required, Experts Find

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Fact Sheet

A healthy deep ocean is essential for the well-being of both humans and the environment. It serves as a carbon sink, storing large amount of human-generated carbon dioxide, and is home to a vast array of unique and diverse species, many of which have yet to be identified.

Our Work


Deep-Sea Mining Regulations, Far From Complete

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Even as various companies and governments advance their plans to mine the deep seabed in international waters, the intergovernmental organization that regulates such activity is woefully short on the rules it needs to carry out its obligations.