Anindita Chakraborty


Anindita Chakraborty
Anindita Chakraborty
Ocean Governance


Anindita Chakraborty works on The Pew Charitable Trusts’ ocean governance project, focusing on deep seabed mining issues as part of Pew’s efforts to safeguard marine ecosystems from the harmful impacts of mining.

Prior to joining Pew, Chakraborty worked at the Alliance of Small Islands States, advising governments of small island developing countries in multilateral environmental negotiations at the United Nations on ocean conservation and sustainable development. She also worked at a sustainability consultancy firm in New Delhi on distributed renewable energy access. During this time, she served as the assistant editor of Sustainability Outlook, a publication analyzing renewable energy markets and environmental public policies in South Asia.

Chakraborty holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in sociology from Presidency University, Kolkata and Jawaharlal Nehru University in India and a master’s in public administration in environmental science and policy from Columbia University, New York.