Trust Magazine

Emperor Penguins in Antarctica’s Southern Ocean

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In this Issue:

  • Winter 2021
  • Progress in a Difficult Year
  • The Lingering Effects of the Pandemic
  • Four Priorities for Philadelphia
  • An Extraordinary Year
  • Emperor Penguins in Antarctica
  • Noteworthy
  • America's Exceptional Political Divide
  • Maryland Flood Risk Leads to Buyouts
  • Small Fish and Cardiovascular Health
  • Looking to Corrections Reforms for Guidance
  • Public Transit Triumphs at Ballot Box
  • Teens, Parents, and Religion
  • Ocean Plastic Pollution Is a Huge Problem
  • Return on Investment
  • The Global God Divide
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Emperor Penguins in Antarctica’s Southern Ocean
Laurent Ballesta Andromède Oceanology

Emperor penguins dive off an ice shelf into Antarctica’s Southern Ocean, one of the least-altered marine ecosystems on Earth. These waters are home to thousands of species found nowhere else and are vital to the health of the planet, producing strong upwelling currents that carry critical nutrients north of the equator and play a role in regulating the climate. To protect this unique and critical region, Pew is working with partners to encourage the adoption of ecosystem-based fisheries management practices and establish a network of large-scale marine protected areas around Antarctica.

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南大洋是地球上受人类行为影响程度最小的海洋生态系统之一。南极洲周围的这片海域占世界海洋的 10%,拥有数千种独特物种,从巨大的鱿鱼和血液中含有抗冻蛋白的鱼类,到生物发光的蠕虫和色彩鲜明的海星,多种多样。这里还生活着数以百万计的捕食动物,其中包括企鹅、海豹和鲸类,它们依赖于构成脆弱食物网基础的大群南极磷虾,这是一种小型的甲壳类动物。这片海域会产生强大的上升洋流,携带着赤道以北的关键营养物质,并且与其他海洋一起在调节气候方面发挥作用,因此对于地球的健康至关重要。

Wave crashing
Wave crashing

The Drive to Protect 30% of the Ocean by 2030

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Effective marine conservation can help people and nature, conserving critical marine habitat where species may thrive, and significantly boost the global economy, for example by fostering healthy and sustainable fisheries. Pew is working with partners to ensure that the international community builds on this momentum and support to establish and sustain protections to conserve biodiversity in the most important ocean environments.

Noteworthy An Extraordinary Year