The State of Immigrants in Philadelphia, 2019

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The State of Immigrants in Philadelphia, 2019
Hung Vuong Supermarket
Lexey Swall

Philadelphia has seen a big increase in the number of immigrants living, working, and raising families in the city over the past several decades. In 1990, less than 7 percent of Philadelphians were foreign-born, but in the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data, the percentage was twice as high. As highlighted in Pew’s 2018 report “Philadelphia’s Immigrants,” more than a quarter of Philadelphians are immigrants or have a foreign-born parent. These changes have had a profound impact on the city and are largely responsible for the growth it has experienced since 2006.


Philadelphia's Immigrants

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Philadelphia's Immigrants

近年来,移民已成为费城人口增长的主要推动力,对城市和地区具有长期的人口和经济影响。 2016年——也就是本报告获得人口普查数据的最后一年,该市有超过 232,000 名出生在国外的居民,人数自 2000 年以来增加了 69%。这些移民占全部城市居民的近 15%,占全部劳动者的 19%,其中 14% 生活贫困。