Results First: Looking Back and Moving Forward
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The Results First initiative launched in 2010 to help states understand and incorporate evidence use into their budgeting and policymaking processes. By 2017, Results First had partnered with 27 states throughout the country, and by 2019, these states had shifted more than $1 billion toward effective, evidence-based programs.
Over the past 12 years, evidence-based policymaking at the state level has changed dramatically. There is better understanding, broader support, and greater use of evidence by state leaders. In addition, there are more organizations that work with states to advance their evidence-based policymaking efforts. Given these improvements, Results First will step aside and exit the field in March 2023.
This video looks back at the Results First initiative’s work with states over the past 12 years and previews what’s next for the evidence-based policymaking field.
"When I reflect back on Results First, the ultimate legacy is not about the wonky conversations, not about how do we build better budgets. The legacy is ultimately about helping people and resources directed to programs and policies that work, and the opportunity to make people's lives better."
Max Crowley, Director Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative, Penn State University