Note: This fact sheet was updated in February 2025 to reflect application and award dates for the 2026 class of fellows.
The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding for scientists to receive postdoctoral training at leading research institutions in the United States. Through the program, The Pew Charitable Trusts has supported more than 300 outstanding young researchers, strengthening scientific communities across borders. Fellows who complete the two-year program and return to Latin America to establish their own labs get additional funding. About 7 in 10 of the program’s participants have taken advantage of this incentive and are conducting work on regional and global health challenges across Latin America.
Q: How does the fellowship work?
A: Each year, Pew awards funds to 10 of Latin America’s brightest biomedical researchers for postdoctoral training in the U.S., providing a $30,000 annual salary stipend for two years. The fellow’s U.S. lab must commit to offering two years of medical benefits and supplemental compensation to meet the U.S. National Institutes of Health salary guidelines for postdoctoral positions. The maximum duration of Pew’s salary stipend is 24 months; however, if the sponsoring lab is willing and able to provide salary and benefits beyond two years, Pew may extend the fellowship period to a maximum of 60 months.
Participants who return to Latin America and establish independent labs receive an additional $70,000 from Pew to purchase equipment and supplies. To receive this payment, a fellow must have a confirmed position and lab space in Latin America at the end of his or her fellowship period.
Fellows also have opportunities to exchange knowledge and collaborate with a community of nearly 1,000 biomedical investigators who have received Pew’s support since 1985. Through annual meetings and other events, fellows meet peers from a variety of scientific disciplines and form professional networks to help propel their careers.
Q: How does the selection process work?
A: For the next round of awards given in 2026, the selection process will occur as follows:
- Interested candidates should find a postdoctoral position in the lab of a principal investigator (sponsor) in the U.S. prior to starting the application. More on this topic below.
- On June 4, 2025, the application period will open. Interested candidates should email the program office at to request access to the online application.
- On August 19, 2025, the application period will close.
- Applications are first reviewed by regional committees of former Pew Latin American fellows. Selected applicants will be invited for interviews by the regional committee (in person or by video conference), then may move on for review by the program’s national advisory committee.
- Based on the national advisory committee’s recommendations, Pew will select 10 fellows for the 2026 class. Applicants will be notified of the outcome in April 2026, and grants to fellows’ sponsor institutions will be issued by August 2026.
Q: How do I know if I’m eligible to become a Pew fellow?
A: To apply for the 2026 class, a candidate must:
- Obtain a Ph.D. and/or M.D. by February 2026, but not before June 4, 2020.
- Not have started postdoctoral training in the U.S. prior to Sep. 1, 2024.
- Confirm a postdoctoral position in the lab of an established principal investigator (sponsor) in advance of applying; the sponsor’s letter of support is required for the application. A sponsor may not be the same person who advised or mentored the applicant during completion of his or her Ph.D. work.
- Submit a written statement of intent to further their research career in Latin America after the fellowship.
Preference is given to applicants who received their undergraduate and graduate degrees from institutions in Latin America. Applicants may have obtained their degrees from institutions outside of Latin America, but preferably not in the U.S.
Q: How can I find a sponsor lab/principal investigator in the U.S.?
A: To start, seek advice from members of the regional committees for the Pew Latin American fellows program. Find regional committee contacts here. We also recommend that candidates:
Q: Can I speak with past Pew fellows about the program and their experiences?
A: Yes. The program’s regional committee members are ready and willing to talk with interested candidates. Pew staff can also connect you with current fellows and alumni; email to request an introduction.
Q: How are past fellows contributing to Latin America’s scientific community?
A: Pew surveyed fellows who participated in the program between 1991 and 2011 and found a remarkable record of accomplishment. Learn more about fellows’ successes in the areas of scientific research, training, and leadership here.
2026 application and award timeline
February 2025 - June 2025
- Research sponsor lab options in the U.S., apply for postdoctoral positions, and select a sponsor lab in the U.S.
- Work with the sponsor to formulate a research proposal
June 4, 2025
- Pew Latin American fellows application site opens
- Contact the Pew program office for access to the online application. Materials required include:
- Candidate’s curriculum vitae (CV)
- Statements on intent to further research career in Latin America and most significant scientific contribution
- Research proposal
- Three letters of reference from individuals familiar with the applicant’s work
- Sponsor letter of commitment, sponsor’s CV and current grant funding the sponsoring PI will have during the award period
August 19, 2025
- Pew Latin American fellows application site closes
Sept./Oct. 2025
- Latin American fellows regional committee reviews applications, conducts interviews with select candidates, and nominates six final candidates from its region to Pew for further consideration. Individuals who are not moving to the next round will be notified at this time.
November 2025 - March 2026
- The Latin American fellows national advisory committee reviews applications and selects 10 scientists for funding. No interviews are conducted during this period of review.
April 2026
- Applicants are notified of the advisory committee’s decisions.
June 2026
- Pew board of directors approves the 2026 class of fellows and awardees are publicly announced soon after.
August 2026
- Pew award is granted to the institution of the sponsoring lab in the U.S., and first payment is made.