Strengthening Democracy in America: For the People

Episode 132

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Strengthening Democracy in America: For the People

Stat: 65%: The percentage of Philadelphians who said the city is “pretty seriously off on the wrong track” in 2023.

Story: Philadelphia is a thriving city with a deep history as the birthplace of American democracy. But Philadelphians, like residents of other large cities, are also grappling with issues such as gun violence, deep poverty, and accessing affordable housing. In a recent survey, 65% of Philadelphians said the city is “pretty seriously off on the wrong track.”

Philadelphia is Pew’s hometown and in this episode, Donna Frisby-Greenwood, who directs the organization’s work in the city, talks about Pew’s legacy and commitment to the residents of Philadelphia—and efforts to make government more responsive to the people. We also hear from Trooper Sanders, CEO of Benefits Data Trust, about the work his organization does to connect people to government benefits they’re eligible for.

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After the Fact

Strengthening Democracy in America

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In this season of “After the Fact,” we explore how Pew is using data to make a difference and helping communities thrive. We also highlight the state of democracy and its underlying principles through interviews with experts and leaders.