The People of Pew

Meet members of the Pew staff as they share the experiences, interests, and talents that inspire their work

The People of Pew

Founded in 1948, Pew uses data to make a difference—addressing the challenges of a changing world by illuminating issues, creating common ground, and advancing ambitious strategies that lead to tangible progress.

Driving that progress are the people of Pew.

We are bringing people together to make a change in the world
Pew is filled with people with a passion for their work and when it comes to bringing people together, associate director Renee Battle and her team make sure all the puzzle pieces fit.
I appreciate that Pew never quit
Joan Yang-a Senior Officer on our Government Relations team-has wanted to be a diplomat since she was a kid. Now, she's living her dream, rallying 192 countries at the United Nations to adopt higher international standards for policy areas that shape quality of life for the global community.
Never a dull moment
Operations team member Mike Kelly is like Pew's own Santa-spreading cheer and camaraderie through the halls as readily as the amil and packages he delivers. His can-do attitude has helped him embody our core value of impact, motivated to overcome challenges by recognizing that his successes enable everyone elses.
Always so happy to come to work.
For Anita Leva, a Philadelphia-based senior administrative assistant with our legal affairs department and staffer with the most infectious smile-Pew represents so much more than a job. Through our external programming and internal culture, it's the opportunity to consistently give back to Philadelphia, our shared hometown, that's part of why she's stayed.
I know that my work matters
Justin Theal, an officer on our state fiscal policy team, is passionate about numbers and state budgets. Why? Because budgets are where rubber meets the road in public policy. It empowers U.S. legislators to optimize tax dollars effectively. 
I Feel I Can Make a Change In the World
As part of our Community Engagement team, Yasmín Vélez-Sánchez collaborates across Pew, using her experiences as an ESL speaker to champion an equity-focused approach to conservation policy—equity being a strong core Pew value.
Mejor calidad de vida hoy (Better quality of life)
For communications manager Ale Sáenz, working in and to protect Chilean Patagonia has inspired her in numerous ways—from the sheer beauty of the landscapes she's advocating for, to the authenticity of the communities that call them home, to the kindness of colleagues she's teamed with.
I Love That Pew Focuses on Nonpartisan Work
Innovation and nonpartisanship are two of Pew’s seven core values. For Deanna Richards, a manager with our Antibiotic Resistance Project, they also stand out as enablers of her team’s success.
A Community Building Each Other Up
Alex Booker talks about his cross-cutting role as part of the outreach strategy and coordination team, what he likes about it, and the D.C. United game that set the tone for his time at Pew. 
Pew Embraces Who I Am
Shannon Shipman, part of Pew’s external affairs team, shares her experience of finally coming into the D.C. office after being hired during the pandemic, and discusses what it feels like to be part of Pew today. 
It's All About the Mission
Richard Friend talks about his role as Pew’s art director, reflects on his team’s work—and shares a serendipitous story about the day he interviewed for his job here.