La pétition signée par 81 343 citoyens européens a été remise à Karmenu Vella

La pétition signée par 81 343 citoyens européens a été remise à Karmenu Vella
Belgium, Brussels - May 20, 2015 - Uta Bellion, director of Pew’s European marine programme, hands over a large cut-out cod featuring the message “80,000 EU citizens support ending EU overfishing” to Commissioner Karmenu Vella. Pew staff and country experts (20 people) standing in the background, waving flags of their country. Pict By Eric Herchaft
Eric Herchaft Eric Herchaft
Belgium, Brussels - May 20, 2015 - Uta Bellion, director of Pew’s European marine programme, hands over a large cut-out cod featuring the message “80,000 EU citizens support ending EU overfishing” to Commissioner Karmenu Vella. Pew staff and country experts (20 people) standing in the background, waving flags of their country. Pict By Eric Herchaft
Eric Herchaft Eric Herchaft
Belgium, Brussels - May 20, 2015 - Uta Bellion, director of Pew’s European marine programme, hands over a large cut-out cod featuring the message “80,000 EU citizens support ending EU overfishing” to Commissioner Karmenu Vella. Pew staff and country experts (20 people) standing in the background, waving flags of their country. Pict By Eric Herchaft
Eric Herchaft Eric Herchaft
Belgium, Brussels - May 20, 2015 - Uta Bellion, director of Pew’s European marine programme, hands over a large cut-out cod featuring the message “80,000 EU citizens support ending EU overfishing” to Commissioner Karmenu Vella. Pew staff and country experts (20 people) standing in the background, waving flags of their country. Pict By Eric Herchaft
Eric Herchaft Eric Herchaft