A First-Time Homeowner Journey: Ellie's Story
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In today's challenging housing market, purchasing a home can be an overwhelming process for buyers. And it seems harder for younger people—70% of Americans think young adults today have a harder time than their parents' generation when it comes to buying a home (according to Pew Research Center).
Meet Ellie Conway, a first-time homebuyer living in Rockville, MD. Her journey to homeownership wasn’t easy, but as she said, “I love having a place that’s mine.” After graduating from college during the pandemic and moving back in with her parents, Ellie diligently saved money while working as a mortgage loan officer. In 2022 she purchased her home, leveraging her industry knowledge and creative solutions, like having roommates.
Join Ellie as she shares her story and hear from real estate agent Sarah Beatty about how she helps first-time homebuyers navigate the process.