Hawaii County Agriculture Development Plan HIA
Between March 2010 and December 2011, The Kohala Center, together with researchers from Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Hawai’i and the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture, as well as local stakeholders in agriculture, health, and public policy, conducted a HIA of three Hawai‘i County Agriculture Development Plan policy recommendations with strong potential impact on health:
- Institutional buying: increase the ability of federal, state, county, and local NGO institutions to buy locally grown and produced food, utilizing the prototype of farm-to-school programs;
- Commercial expansion of food agriculture: through public-private partnerships increase the amount of food produced on Hawai‘i for the local market, to reach a goal of 30% Hawai‘i Island food self-reliance in 2020; and
- Home production: promote the expansion of home, community, and school gardening through public education.
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