Pew's Subsidyscope project presented the first-of-its-kind database of federal income tax expenditure estimates from the Department of the Treasury and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) The database allowed users to easily view specific estimates from Treasury and JCT and make side-by-side comparisons. Users could select and aggregate tax expenditures across 17 budget functions or economic sectors (such as energy or health) or drill down to find information about a particular tax expenditure while Subsidyscope's database is no longer active, the following downloadable files contain the underlying Treasury and JCT datasets, broken out by budget years 2001 to 2013, and can be used to perform analyses The file format is comma-separated value or CSV.
Note: Report years correspond to the release of the Treasury estimates, which are included with the President's Budget every year. Joint Committee reports generally correspond to the same release year as Treasury documents, but actual release dates can vary from year to year.