Mixed Reactions to Obama's Gun Control Proposals

Mixed Reactions to Obama's Gun Control Proposals

With the public paying close attention to the national debate over gun control, Barack Obama's gun proposals receive a mixed rating from the public. A 39% plurality say Obama's proposals are about right while another 13% say they do not go far enough. About three-in-ten (31%) say the president's proposals go too far; 17% do not offer an opinion.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Jan. 17-20 among 1,006 adults, finds that the public is closely tracking the gun debate: 43% followed news about Obama's proposals very closely and an additional 29% followed the news fairly closely.

There are wide partisan divides in views of Obama's proposals. A 57% majority of Republicans say the proposals go too far, just 7% say not far enough and 25% say they are about right. By contrast, a majority of Democrats (55%) say the proposals on guns are about right, 21% say they do not go far enough and 10% say they go too far. Independents are divided: 36% say Obama's gun proposals are about right, while about as many (33%) say they go too far; few independents say the proposals do not go far enough (9%).

Read the full report, Mixed Reactions to Obama's Gun Control Proposals, on the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press website.