Despite persistent budget shortfalls, leaders of both parties in a majority of states supported high-quality pre-kindergarten investments in FY1, according to Votes Count, an analysis of voluntary state pre-k programs by Pre-K Now. The 50-state analysis found that funding increased just over one percent, to $5.4 billion.
Votes Count reviews fiscal year 2011 funding and legislative action on pre-kindergarten programs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Read the full report online at
Key Findings
The report also finds that states that used school funding formulas to support pre-k were more likely to maintain and even grow early education investments than states that did not use the school funding formula.
Federal Funds Can Help Expand Pre-K
In this economic downturn, states are finding creative ways to use federal funds for early learning, even when those resources are not dedicated specifically to state pre-k. "Votes Count" shows how federal funds can encourage new state investments in pre-k education which helps establish a strong foundation for student achievement and build the effective research-based education system our nation need to compete in the global economy.
Visit the Pre-K Now Web site for access to the full report.