Preliminary Findings from a Gap Analysis
The Pew Environment Group is conducting a gap analysis to compare the port State measures established by ten Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) with the port State measures established by the FAO Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA). Preliminary findings of this research indicate that the port State measures of these RFMOs cannot yet compare with the PSMA standards: they are not sufficiently comprehensive to cover all IUU fishing activity; they are not effective enough in deterring the activities of IUU operators; and they do not establish adequate requirements to ensure proper transparency and information sharing among all concerned actors. The newly adopted PSMA represents an international minimum standard on port State measures and provides a unique opportunity to harmonize and strengthen port State controls across the globe. Considering the insufficient development of port State measures, all RFMOs must make it a priority to take forceful steps to align their measures with those of the PSMA.
Full Report: Preliminary Findings from a Gap Analysis
Preliminary Findings from a Gap Analysis