Senator Hillary Clinton's poll-defying Democratic primary victory in New Hampshire helped make her the leading campaign newsmaker last week, but the resurrection in the Granite State of John McCain's once-dead campaign did not translate into similar largesse of media attention, according to a new study of media campaign coverage.
Meanwhile, the meaning of third place was also fungible last week. Mike Huckabee, a distant third in the GOP race, got sizably more media attention than did John Edwards among the Democrats.
And New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who is not running, got nearly as much coverage for showing up at a conference in Oklahoma as Rudolph Giuliani did for finishing fourth among Republicans.
These are some of the findings in the Project for Excellence in Journalism's inaugural Campaign Coverage Index, a measure of which candidate is winning in the all-important race for media exposure.
Read the full report Clinton is the Big Winner Last Week in the Race for Coverage on the Project for Excellence in Journalism Web site.