Mapping the New U.S. NanoMetro Economy
With nanotechnology poised to be the globe's next big economic driver, five U.S. cities have emerged as the country's top “Nano Metro” locations—areas with the nation's highest concentration of nanotech companies, universities, research laboratories, and organizations.
Three leading “Nano Metro” centers—San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland—are in California, the state emerging as the domestic frontrunner in nanotechnology competition. The other two—Boston and Middlesex-Essex—are in Massachusetts.
This information is on view as part of a new interactive map displaying the growing “Nano Metro” landscape. The map and accompanying analysis—presented by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies—depicts and ranks cities and states by numbers of companies, nanotechnology academic and government research centers, organizations, business sectors, and much more. The mashup is powered by Google Maps®.
View the map of the country's top nanotechnology areas.
Other information, including raw data, methodology, and an inventory of nanotechnology products, can be found out at the Project On Emerging Nanotechnologies Web site.
Pew is no longer active in this line of work, but for more information, visit the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies on