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Selected Clips: Will World Leaders Protect Antarctic Waters This Week?
Selected clips from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, New Zealand Ambassador to the United States Mike Moore, former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr, and Andrea Kavanagh and Karen Sack with The Pew Charitable Trusts on efforts to protect the Ross Sea and East Antarctic coastal areas. Includes clips from the film "The Last Ocean" of beautiful Antarctic scenery, penguins and other wildlife. Download here.
Antarctic Marine Reserves Would Protect Penguins, Double World's Protected Oceans
A multinational meeting Oct. 23-Nov. 1 could make history by creating protections in the Ross Sea and other parts of Antarctica's Southern Ocean. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Andrea Kavanagh with The Pew Charitable Trusts discuss the importance of these dazzling seas, among the last pristine marine areas in the world and our healthiest penguin habitat. Download here.