Gary/New Duluth Small Area Plan
This HIA was conducted in parallel to development of the Gary/New Duluth Small Area Plan. The City of Duluth Long-Range Planning developed the small area plan, which included objectives to improve blighted properties, develop vacant land, clean contaminated land, connect sidewalks and add bike lanes, promote businesses and job growth, increase green space and connect the community to new recreational opportunities, and more. The plan’s development provided an opportunity to work with the community to identify existing strengths and weaknesses of the neighborhood and to provide recommendations to the city council on improving the health of residents through community-based planning.
This HIA was conducted as part of a Health Impact Project HIA program grant. As part of its HIA Program, MDH has established a state-level interagency working group and a coalition of local agency and nonprofit partners to support HIA training and technical assistance, and will develop state-level policies to help make HIA a routine part of decision-making in the region.
The Minnesota Department of Health is also conducting an HIA to inform the Lincoln Park Small Area Plan. MDH previously conducted four HIAs: 6th Avenue East Duluth HIA, Divine Mercy development HIA, Douglas County comprehensive plan HIA, and the St. Louis Park comprehensive plan HIA.
The final HIA report, which was adopted by the Duluth City Council on June 23, provides practical recommendations on improving the health of residents through community-based planning.
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Publication date:2014, July
Decision-making levels:Local
Sectors:Planning and zoning
Additional topic areas:Active transportation, Economic development, Land-use planning, Long-range planning, Parks and green spaces
Drivers of health:Access to healthy food, Diet and physical activity, Family and social support, Safe and accessible active transportation routes
Affected populations:Chronic health conditions
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Literature review, GIS mapping, Primary research, Qualitative research, Quantitative research
Funding source:Health Impact Project grantee