Madison Heights
Arizona Department of Health Services, Local Initiative Support Corporation, Housing Authority of Maricopa County, Maricopa County Department of Health
The Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS), in partnership with the Local Iniative Support Corporation (LISC), the Housing Authority of Maricopa County, and the Maricopa County Department of Health, conducted an HIA on the redevelopment of Madison Heights, a public housing unit near Phoenix, Arizona. The HIA examined the potential health effect of the development proposal through access to transportation, access to recreation, youth engagement, crime, and safety.
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April 29, 2018
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At A Glance
Publication date:2014, June
Decision-making levels:Local
Additional topic areas:Redevelopment
Drivers of health:Access to healthy food, Noise, Diet and physical activity, Safe and affordable parks and recreational facilities, Safe, affordable, and healthy housing, Access to services/medical care, Safe and accessible active transportation routes, Safe street infrastructure, Family and social support
Affected populations:Children, Economically disadvantaged, Older adults, Individuals with disabilities, Linguistically isolated, Racial and ethnic minorities
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Primary research, Qualitative research, Stakeholder interviews, Survey
Funding source:Health Impact Project grantee