Active Transportation in Sierra Vista
The Arizona Department of Health Services and the Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization (SVMPO) conducted a health impact assessment (HIA) of several SVMPO policies and projects that support walking and biking. The HIA focused on how increased physical activity can improve health and explored the connections between the built environment and individual and community health. Its findings provided health-based guidance for updating the Sierra Vista Development Code, implementing SVMPO’s Safe Bicycle and Pedestrian Routes and Sidewalk Implementation plans, designing roadway projects, and drafting federal funding proposals for constructing sidewalks, bike paths, and other structures. The HIA was funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy Community Design Initiative.
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Publication date:2016, August
Decision-making levels:Local
Additional topic areas:Active transportation, Addictive substances and behaviors, Planning, Mental/behavioral health
Drivers of health:Clean air and water, Diet and physical activity, Safe and accessible active transportation routes
Community types:Urban
Funding source:Other funding