Equity is a core value of HIA. Many decision makers, stakeholders, and HIA practitioners see the value of HIAs in uncovering the impacts of decisions on various population groups, developing and prioritizing specific actions that promote or protect health equity, and using the process to empower marginalized communities. Several HIA frameworks have been developed to guide the inclusion of equity considerations and conversations among practitioners. However, questions remain about why and how to integrate equity into HIA practice. This session aims to answer these questions, spur discussion, and inspire practitioners to consider equity in their HIA practices by discussing why it matters and the value equity considerations can add to the HIA process and outcomes.
The session will also underscore the opportunities to incorporate equity into each step of HIA. In addition, speakers will emphasize how HIA can empower communities and advance equity by highlighting opportunities for improvements in institutions and systems that perpetuate inequities. Presenters will discuss their experiences and lessons learned in supporting efforts to advance equity in HIA.
Becky Dennison, Co-Director, Los Angeles Community Action Network
Magdalena Avila, Associate Professor in Health Education, University of New Mexico
Becky Dennison, Co-Director, Los Angeles Community Action Network
Jessica LeClair, Public Health Nurse, Public Health Madison and Dane County (Wisconsin)
Doran Schrantz, Executive Director, ISAIAH
Julia Stanley, Program Coordinator, Childhood Obesity Prevention Collaborative of Dane County (Wisconsin)
Sandra Witt, Director, Healthy Communities North, The California Endowment