Test Your Knowledge of Our Three Branches of Government

How much do you know about the executive, legislative and judicial branches and how they intersect?

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Test Your Knowledge of Our Three Branches of Government

America’s Defining Documents

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The Declaration of Independence. The Constitution. The Bill of Rights. America’s founding documents were the result of debates and compromises that created a new nation unlike any other. Learn more about the history and content of America’s defining documents.


Government by the Numbers

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The executive branch is one of the three branches of the U.S. government; it includes the president, vice president, presidential advisors and Cabinet, 15 executive departments, as well as hundreds of other bureaus and agencies. U.S. government employees within the executive branch play a variety of critical roles, such as issuing passports, maintaining public lands, printing money, monitoring the economy, and supporting health programs.


What Are Our Responsibilities As U.S. Citizens?

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Sept. 17 is Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, a day on which we commemorate the signing of the Constitution in 1787 and also recognize all who have become citizens.

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What Is the Electoral College?

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Take a closer look at how Americans elect their president.