2016 Our Ocean Conference

2016 Our Ocean Conference
© Alasdair Harris/Blue Ventures Conservation

This collection of resources covers a range of ocean issues, from the push to establish significant marine reserves around the world to efforts to end illegal fishing.

Secretary of State John Kerry will host the third annual Our Ocean conference in Washington from Sept. 15 to 16. Global leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs, innovators, and representatives from nongovernmental organizations will discuss the major challenges facing the world’s oceans and how to address them. The conference will focus on marine protected areas, sustainable fisheries, marine pollution, and climate-related impacts on the ocean. The goal of the conference is to inspire conversations that lead to solutions that protect and conserve our oceans and their resources.

This collection of resources covers a range of ocean issues, from the push to establish significant marine reserves around the world to efforts to end illegal fishing. It also highlights Pew’s Project Eyes on the Seas, a technology platform that combines satellite monitoring and imagery data to help authorities detect suspicious fishing activity.

Fighting Illegal Fishing With New Satellite Tech