The Voting Information Project (VIP), developed by The Pew Charitable Trusts, Google, and election officials nationwide, offers cutting-edge tools that give voters access to the customized data they need on or before Election Day, such as polling place and ballot information. After a successful election season in 2014, VIP has made significant strides this year toward covering a greater share of elections, providing more robust information to voters, and supporting more elections at the local level, in part as a result of working with several states to automate the delivery of official data.
Last Tuesday, VIP supported local elections in Arizona (Coconino County) and Idaho by working with elections staff in those states to automate the process of collecting polling place and ballot information and delivering it to voters. VIP is also working with California, Ohio, and West Virginia to make similar election data available to the public.
The project has provided information for voters in 18 municipal and statewide elections in 2015 and has a full calendar for the rest of the year.
Elections officials interested in learning more can reach the VIP team at
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