National HIA Meeting 2013 - Breakout Session

New Tools of Interest for HIA

National HIA Meeting 2013 - Breakout Session

This session will provide an overview of several new and emerging tools available to support the HIA process. The presenters will give an introduction to each new tool and discuss the benefits and challenges in using the tools to enhance HIA practice.


Casey Tsui, Human Impact Partners


Florence Fulk, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Valerie Zartarian, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Laura Jackson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Enhancing the Success of HIAs in Every Community: Meeting Data and Information Needs through New EPA Web‐Based Applications (PDF)

Jeremy Cantor, Prevention Institute
Sana Chehimi, Prevention Institute

Using Collaboration Multiplier to Develop Multi-sector Partnerships (PDF)

Sara Dube, The Pew Charitable Trusts

The Pew MacArthur Results First Initiative: Targeting Resources at Programs that Work (PDF)