David J. Sullivan, M.D. Associate Professor 2000 Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Microbiology
Mark D. Fleming, M.D., D.Phil. Professor and Chairman 2000 Boston Children's Hospital Harvard University Pathology Genetics
James Bardwell, Ph.D. Professor, HHMI Investigator 1998 University of Michigan Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Biochemistry; Biophysics
Martin Latterich, Ph.D. Professor 1998 Proteogenomics Research Institute for Systems Medicine Biochemistry
R. Grace Zhai, Ph.D. Associate Professor 2009 University of Miami Department of Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology Neuroscience
Paul M. Macdonald, Ph.D. Professor 1990 University of Texas at Austin Department of Molecular Biosciences Developmental Biology
Cheng-Ming Chiang, Ph.D. Professor 1996 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center Biochemistry; Molecular Biology
Michael K. Skinner, Ph.D. Professor 1986 Washington State University School of Biological Sciences Developmental Biology