Courts & Communities

Courts & Communities


Courts & Communities
State and local courts hear more than 95% of all cases filed in the United States, covering matters that directly affect the safety, well-being, and stability of millions of people and their communities. Many of these cases—including those involving debt collection, eviction, traffic, and child guardianship—can have profound, life-changing implications, and communities of color are disproportionately affected by the outcomes.

But in today’s state and local legal systems, many cases that would benefit from a judge’s consideration never reach the bench while matters that could be effectively resolved outside of the courtroom are clogging dockets. By contrast, effective, modern systems would enable judicial and court staff to focus on the cases that require their expertise and attention, allowing them to better serve communities.

The Pew Charitable Trusts’ courts and communities project works to build open, effective, and equitable state and local legal systems that enable all people to meaningfully participate in court processes, expeditiously resolve cases, and avoid unnecessary interactions with the court in favor of proven alternative interventions. The project supports efforts to deliver on this vision by producing data-driven research to expand knowledge on how courts affect individuals and communities and by building partnerships with communities, the private sector, policymakers, and other stakeholders to identify and advance comprehensive improvements.


Untangling Consumer and Medical Debt in the Courts

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Millions of Americans are struggling with debt, from credit card bills to unexpected medical expenses. And many face a tough choice between paying off debt or covering basic needs such as rent, food, and health care. But what happens when these debts go unpaid?


4 Strategies to Improve People's Appearance in Court

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Courts process more than 15 million criminal cases and 30 million traffic cases a year. At that volume, if even just a small percentage of people miss a court appearance, the number of missed hearings will quickly add up. Missed hearings create additional work for court staff, add to the backlog of cases awaiting resolutions, and create inefficiencies for courthouse operations. They also come with serious consequences for communities: A missed hearing can result in a bench warrant, driver’s license suspension, fines, and even jail time.

Hands holding a piece of paper and a pen.
Hands holding a piece of paper and a pen.

How Too Many State Policies Fail Americans Sued for Debt

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Debt lawsuits are burdening Americans, overwhelming state courts, and failing to provide many litigants with meaningful resolution, according to research done by both the National Center for Access to Justice (NCAJ) and The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Issue Brief

State Courts Play a Key Role in American Life

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Issue Brief

State courts in the U.S. decide cases that touch the lives of millions of Americans every year. These influential government entities directly affect the safety, well-being, and financial stability of people across the country through matters ranging from speeding tickets and similar minor, administrative issues to potentially life-altering cases, such as child custody and criminal trials.


Civil Court Modernization Toolkit

Resources and strategies to make civil courts more open, effective, and equitable

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U.S. civil court staff and leaders support using data to modernize their policies and processes to better serve litigants. But the courts were designed for attorneys, so updating them to function well for the majority of today’s users—most of whom do not have lawyers—is a major undertaking.