BRUSSELS - Today EU fisheries ministers gather in Luxembourg to come to a political agreement on the Commission’s proposal for a system of mandatory transferable fishing rights (concessions) which form a central piece in the proposed reform of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy. Ministers are expected to restate their unequivocal opposition to this scheme.
While a number of ministers have been quick to dismiss the Commission’s proposed transferable fishing concessions, they have been slow to suggest an alternative that will deliver sustainable European fisheries. At the same time, over 158 diverse groups, ranging from fishermen to environmentalists, from 17 EU member states, recently signed a declaration proposing a system of providing incentives for more sustainable fishing.
“The new CFP must stop overfishing and reward those who fish in more environmentally and socially responsible ways with preferential access to fish resources. The Commission has overlooked the importance of binding the social fabric of coastal communities with a healthy marine environment by awarding those who fish more sustainable with priority access to fish.”
Markus Knigge, spokesperson for OCEAN2012, a coalition of over 160 organisations dedicated to ending overfishing in the EU
The declaration, signed by NGOs and fishing organisations, calls on the CFP reform to: