Sen. Shaheen's Press Office, 202.224.5553
In a visit to the Portsmouth Navy Shipyard today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and former U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Navy John Warner (R-VA) commended the energy initiatives of the United States Navy and emphasized the economic benefits of improving the nation's energy efficiency. Shaheen recently introduced bipartisan energy legislation, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2011, which would save money and create jobs by establishing a national energy efficiency strategy. The bill was passed by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources earlier this month with strong support from both parties.
During her visit, Shaheen spoke about the energy saving measures underway at the Shipyard and explained how her bill would help incentivize projects like these. She highlighted the cost-saving programs in her legislation and spoke about the jobs that would be created by reducing our national energy consumption.
“The technologies that we saw here today are a perfect example of energy efficiency measures that can save our taxpayer dollars and keep the United States competitive in the global economy,” said Shaheen, a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. “The Navy has been leading the way on reducing our nation's dependence on foreign oil and my energy efficiency legislation would make it easier for others to follow its example. Energy efficiency is an effective and affordable way to start tackling the economic and national security challenges we face.”
“At military bases and installations across America, our men and women in uniform are taking the lead on energy efficiency initiatives. At the historic Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, uniformed and civilian personnel are working to increase the base's energy security, examples being greener buildings and use of solar power as backup for communications systems. I especially commend the Portsmouth yard for their use of cogeneration technology, which results in substantial financial savings and serves as a model for other military bases,” said former U.S. Senator and chairman of the Armed Services Committee John W. Warner. Warner is currently senior adviser to the Pew Project on National Security, Energy and Climate, an initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts dedicated to highlighting the critical linkages between national security, energy independence, and the economy.
With LEED Gold and Silver-certified facilities, the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is one of four remaining naval shipyards in the country and has been nationally recognized for its efficient green building design, construction, and operations. The Shipyard recently converted two of its four power plant boilers to natural gas as part of an award winning comprehensive energy plan.
With a host of mature technologies already in widespread use – such as better insulation, computer-controlled thermostats, and more efficient electric motors – energy efficiency is the cheapest and fastest way to improve our nation's energy infrastructure and our economy's energy independence.