There are many exciting developments happening around the country and in the research arena on preschool policy, and there will be a variety of opportunities to learn about them at the National Association for the Education of Young Children annual conference this December, in Washington, D.C. The Pew Charitable Trusts or our grantees are sponsoring or co-sponsoring 13 events before or during this meeting. We hope you will join us to hear all the news and share your perspectives.
Monday, December 5th
Ken Robin, Jason Hustedt and Carol Shipp of the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER): 1-1/2 hour presentation to NAECS on Yearbook
Tuesday, December 6th
Steve Barnett: 1-1/2 hour presentation to NAECS on NIEER research
Pre-K Now-sponsored reception for state specialists and those who attend networking meeting (House Dining Room at the Capitol)
Wednesday, December 7th
9:00-12:00 Steve Barnett with Marilou Hyson (NAEYC) and others (a dialogue): A policy research agenda for the 21st century- What is it, how will we get it, and who will pay for it?
Thursday, December 8th
9:00–10:30: Briefing sponsored by the Gund Foundation on communications strategy to increase the visibility of early learning in Ohio (with funding from The Pew Charitable Trusts, through Pre-K Now). The strategy is being developed, and the presentation will be made, by pollster Frank Luntz and others. By invitation only, contact Marcia Egbert for more information,
11:00-1:00: Thomas Schultz of The Pew Charitable Trusts: Briefing and dialogue session on the Trusts' National Early Childhood Accountability Task Force. Brief presentation on our goals and progress to date and then offer participants an opportunity to share their experiences and views on issues of child assessment, program standards, program monitoring and related issues.
2:00–5:00: Cynthia Lamy (NIEER) and co-authors Wolock, Seplocha and Juncker.
Evaluating and improving language arts literacy practices in a universal preschool program - changing teaching practices through classroom evaluation and performance-based assessment
4:00–5:00: Libby Doggett (Pre-K Now), Dave Gleason (Bright Horizons) and Maryann O'Sullivan (Preschool California): The Fight for Pre-K for All – Promising State Efforts, Washington Convention Center, Rm. 209A. Many states are rapidly progressing towards voluntary pre-k for all. This session will highlight the work in several new states on the cusp of pre-k for all in tough fiscal environments. In these states, pre-k for all is well on its way to being a reality. Panelists will discuss successes, effective strategies and challenges yet to overcome. The discussion will lead to a discussion about how these effective efforts might be relevant to other states and new developments. The mission of Pre-K Now is to collaborate with advocates and policymakers to lead a movement for high-quality, voluntary pre-kindergarten for all three- and four-year-olds.
Friday, December 9th
8:30-9:30: Ellen Frede (The College of New Jersey) and Cynthia Lamy: Not just calendars and counting blocks: using the NAEYC/NCTM joint position statement "Early Childhood Mathematics: Promoting Good Beginnings" as a basis for measuring classroom teaching practices and their relationship to child outcomes.
11:30–12:30: Daniella Ewen (Center on Law and Social Policy), Jana Martella (Council of Chief State School Officers) and Kristie Kauerz: Early childhood education and No Child Left Behind: highly qualified teachers, flexible funding and prekindergarten
1:00–2:00: Cynthia Lamy: The effects of state-funded preschool on entering kindergartner's academic and social skills: findings across 5 states
3:30-5:00: Poster Session: Kirsty Brown (NIEER) - presenting on the effects of Pre-K on middle class children; Ken Robin (NIEER) - presenting on the benefits of 1/2 day Pre-K vs. full-day Pre-K; Jason Hustedt (NIEER) - presenting on the NIEER Annual Yearbook on State Preschool Policy; Debra Ackerman (NIEER) - presenting on lessons from military child development centers for professional developers.
For more information:
Pew events, contact Sara Watson,
NIEER events, contact Carol Shipp,
Pre-K Now events, contact Stephanie Rubin,