Emily Klein


Emily Klein
Emily Klein
Emily Klein, Ph.D.
Conservation Science
The Pew Charitable Trusts


Emily Klein, Ph.D., leads Pew’s work to design research projects that use innovative analytical and modeling tools to improve what we know about marine and freshwater systems, and the human connections to them. She also works to advance inclusion, diversity, and equity within Pew, across our grantees, and in the natural sciences.

Before joining Pew, Klein studied the complex connections between people and nature to support future sustainability with Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. While there, she managed a project in collaboration with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to apply ecosystem models to inform decisions about sand mining for beach renourishment in offshore waters of the New England and the mid-Atlantic regions. Prior to this work, Klein employed models and other tools to support marine management and decision-making, including for marine protected areas under climate change in the Antarctic, and to investigate interactions between management and fishing communities.

Klein holds a bachelor’s degree in ecology, behavior, and evolution from the University of California at San Diego, a master’s in environmental conservation and doctorate in natural resources and earth systems science from the University of New Hampshire.
