Meet Pew Experts at the NCSL Legislative Summit

Louisville 2024


Meet Pew Experts at the NCSL Legislative Summit

Editor’s note: The content on this page was revised on July 25, 2024 to update the experts available for meetings at the conference.

Meet with Pew experts during the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Legislative Summit. Our experts have researched and analyzed a range of policy areas, including state fiscal policy, housing policy initiatives, weather-related disaster resilience, crisis response and the courts, and health policy. They will be available for one-on-one meetings to discuss research trends and policy solutions to these key issues facing states.

Visit Booth 107 or sign up here to arrange a personal chat regarding any topic listed below. 

Broadband access initiative

Sarah Ali
Trends in state broadband policy and programs

Jake Varn
Trends in state broadband policy and programs

Courts and communities

Erika Rickard
Civil courts, consumer debt, eviction, guardianship

Ruth Rosenthal
Youth and courts

Darcy White
Civil courts, consumer debt, guardianship

Lester Bird
Debt collection, eviction, foreclosure, state policies that govern civil legal systems

Michelle Russell
Court appearance, court data

Energy modernization

Yaron Miller
State clean energy policy, grid modernization, federal funding (Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act) implementation

Zachary Bartscherer
Energy, resilience

Carter Harms
State clean energy policy, electric transportation, grid modernization and advanced transmission technologies

John Begala
State and federal offshore wind policy and regulations, offshore wind supply chain and infrastructure development

Fiscal 50

Justin Theal
State fiscal policies and budgets

Alexandre Fall
State fiscal policies and budgets

Riley Judd
State fiscal policies and budgets

Housing policy initiative

Chase Hatchett
Increasing the supply of lower-cost forms of housing, improving access to small mortgages, and making alternative arrangements to purchase a home safely

Tushar Kansal
Increasing the supply of lower-cost forms of housing, improving access to small mortgages, and making alternative arrangements to purchase a home safely

Gabriel Kravitz
Increasing the supply of lower-cost forms of housing, improving access to small mortgages, and making alternative arrangements to purchase a home safely

Linlin Liang
Increasing the supply of lower-cost forms of housing, improving access to small mortgages, and making alternative arrangements to purchase a home safely

Seva Rodnyansky
Increasing the supply of lower-cost forms of housing, improving access to small mortgages and financing for manufactured homes, and making alternative arrangements to purchase a home safely

Rachel Siegel
Improving access to small mortgages and financing for manufactured homes, and making alternative arrangements to purchase a home safely

Adam Staveski
Improving access to small mortgages and financing for manufactured homes, and making alternative arrangements to purchase a home safely

Managing fiscal risks

Rebecca Thiess
State fiscal policies and budgets

Andrea Snyder
State fiscal policies and budgets

Peter Muller
State fiscal policies and budgets

Mental health and justice partnerships

Julie Wertheimer
Crisis response and diversion, jails, violence

Kati Habert
State and local policies at the intersection of behavioral health and criminal justice, with a focus on crisis and diversion

Connie Utada
Crisis response, community supervision, and treatment courts

Hillary Gore
Crisis response, community supervision, and treatment courts

Pensions and infrastructure

Corryn Hall
Best practices for state and local pension systems and pension stress testing

Maria Garnett
Data-driven research and technical assistance to help lawmakers strengthen public retirement systems

Fatima Yousofi
Deferred maintenance, long-term liabilities


State fiscal health

Alison Wakefield
Tax incentive evaluation, economic development

Sheanna Gomes
State fiscal health work, rainy day funds, long-term budget assessments, budget stress tests, 50-state assessment on fiscal sustainability

Chaaron Pearson
Tax incentive evaluation, economic development

Logan Timmerhoff
Tax incentive evaluation, local fiscal issues

Substance use prevention and treatment

Andrew Whitacre
Opioid use disorder treatment, behavioral health sustainable financing

U.S. conservation

Holly Binns
Natural resource conservation policy and management, with a focus on the southeast U.S. states

Sylvia Troost
Natural climate solutions with a focus on coastal wetlands (blue carbon) and peatlands

Brett Swift
Aquatic resilience, protection and reconnection of freshwater ecosystems

Laurel Williams
Federal public lands and climate resilience

Mathew Sanders
Disaster resilience, green infrastructure, urban and regional planning

Elizabeth Ruther
Putting state landscape resilience goals into practice; incorporating climate data into natural resource management and land use policy; crafting natural climate solutions practices to meet state natural and working lands climate goals, including the Coastal Zone Management Act

Justin Grubich
Coastal habitat policy and management